Congratulations, you’ve already found the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day. It’s all wrapped and you just need to find that last minute “stocking stuffer” to put it over-the-top. Luckily, our Elf Squad are experts at over-the-top thanks to our work with Santa all year. Here are a few tips from our Elf Squad on finding some great last minute Valentine’s Day gifts in New York City.
This may seem rather conventional but when New Yorkers talk about chocolate we’re not just talking about the standard heart-shaped box of candy you can get in any corner store, no. New York City is home to some of the finest chocolatiers and patisseries in the world. While a box of Lindt or Godiva is always nice, they will be 75% off next week at your local pharmacy. To really do it right, go to Jacques Torres, La Maison du Chocolat, MarieBelle, Li-Lac Chocolates, just to name a few, or dozens of other incredible sweet shops throughout the city. You can put together your own unique box of chocolates and your sweetie won’t have to worry about biting into that weird flavor nobody likes.
Movie Passes
New York City has the highest cost of living in the United States so it should be no surprise that ticket prices in NYC are equally as ridiculous. It can cost over $30 for one ticket to a film in 3D on IMAX. But for about $25 a month, you can get a movie pass that allows you to see a dozen movies instead. AMC and Regal each have their own subscription services with slightly different terms. This is a great gift because it isn’t just a night out but the promise of many date nights to come. You can purchase these passes online or in person at your local theater.
On a similar note, consider buying your honey an annual membership to one of the many world-renowned museums or cultural institutions in New York. One of the Elf Squad favorites is the NY Botanical Gardens since there are so many great events throughout the year, including, of course, the Holiday Train Show, which is one of our favorite Christmas events in all of New York.
Whole Foods
This may seem like the strangest inclusion on the list, but we promise it makes sense. If you decide to avoid the craziness of overpriced pre-fixed menus and romantic hot spots more crowded than the A train at rush hour, a trip to Whole Foods may take the guesswork out of making your own romantic dinner. With their Amazon meal kits, you can create your own romantic evening right at home! Whole Foods also offers a great deal on roses every Valentine’s Day. Plus, if you are an Amazon Prime member, you can order your meal kit online and have it all delivered within 2 hours, for free!
Bonus: If you don’t need the meal kit to prep a great meal or are unable to take advantage of the 2-hour delivery, Trader Joe's is a great alternative. Not only do they have great prices on food, flowers, and chocolates, they also have some fantastic $1 Valentine’s Day Cards.
A shameless plug, but it actually makes sense! Make up for waiting until the last minute for Valentine’s Day by getting a big jumpstart on Christmas planning. Our Elf Squad takes orders all year long and will be happy to go over everything we offer. Honestly, what better way to show a loved one that you care than by letting them know they have one less thing to worry about during the holidays?

In the mood for more local holiday fun, check out our other articles on Holiday Events and Winter Activities in NYC]